Directions to the Park
Energy Park The Station
History and Description
Public Art
The Caboose Energy Park Events

Energy Park Station

Energy Park Station The Station's major sponsor is the Greenfield Savings Bank. This locally-owned financial institution became the major sponsor when they contributed $25,000 as a challenge gift to other businesses along with a subsequent gift of $5,000 to help with programming. Greenfield Cooperative Bank donated $5,000 as a positive response to the first challenge!

Energy Park Roof Construction In keeping with the Park's theme of sustainable demonstration projects, environmentally-friendly shingles, made from 100% recycled rubber and plastic materials that resemble slates, were used. These shingles were donated by Jim Crowe, owner of Authentic Roof Company, Ontario Canada. For more information, visit their website at TREX donated product for the back steps. This material is a wood and plastic composite made from reclaimed hardwood sawdust and reclaimed/recycled plastic such as grocery sacks and stretch film. Energy-efficient compact flourescent lights are installed and many re-used materials are incorporated into the design (original cobblestones from old RR station, granite curbing, antique RR engine bell, etc.). These products underscore our commitment to using sustainable products whenever possible.

An unexpected benefit of this site is that the stage acts as a Viewing Platform for train buffs, many of whom can be found videotaping passing trains from great vantage point.

Contributions for ongoing maintenance and programming are encouraged, needed and greatly appreciated. For a full list of concerts and other events, see the Special Events section of the Park website or contact the Greenfield Recreation Department.

Tax-deductible checks for general contributions can be made out to: "City of Greenfield" with the memo line stating: The Station. Send to NESEA, 50 Miles St, Suite 3, Greenfield, MA 01301.

And thank you for your support of this incredible town park with a very unique theme!